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Tuesday, 06/25/24
1:00 PM
Opening Remarks
Carl White, SVP, Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) St. Louis
Recorded Comments
Michelle Bowman, Governor, Federal Reserve Board
1:15 PM
Keynote Address and Q&A
Tammy Hornsby-Fink, Executive Vice President and System Chief Information Security Officer, Federal Reserve
2:00 PM
IT Examiner Panel
Ricardo Giardiello, Sr. Examiner, FRB Kansas City
Glenn Shannon, Sr. Examiner, FRB Chicago
Mark Townson, Cyber Risk Specialist, FRB St. Louis
Elizabeth Williams, Sr. Manager, FRB Kansas City
3:00 PM
Break - Refreshments and Networking (on-site only in St. Louis)
3:15 PM
Ransomware Panel
Meredith Covington, Senior Manager, FRB St. Louis
Pier Deganello, Vice President, FRFS Information Security
Michelle Fitch, Sr. Manager, FRB Richmond
Nathan Goodson, Supervisory Examiner, FRB St. Louis
Don Peterson, Senior Supervisory Cybersecurity Analyst, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
Elizabeth Williams, Sr. Manager, FRB Kansas City
4:15 PM
Closing Remarks – Day 1
Lacey Peters, AVP, FRB Kansas City
4:30 PM
FBI and CISA Panel (on-site only in St. Louis)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Tony Collings, Cybersecurity State Coordinator, CISA
Matt Shull, Supervision Manager, FRB Chicago
Wednesday, 06/26/24
9:00 AM
Opening Remarks
Meg Kahlenberg, AVP, FRB St Louis
9:15 AM
Cyber Table-Top Exercise
Brenden Glynn, Principal Cyber Consultant, Lead Facilitator, IBM Security X-Force Cyber Range
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
Lunch Address with CISA
Matthew Weinberg, Acting Section Chief, Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative Industry Partnerships Team
1:15 PM
Cyber Insurance
Ben Zviti, Managing Director, Financial Industry Leader – US/Canada, Marsh Inc.
2:15 PM
Break - Refreshments and Networking (on-site only in St. Louis)
2:30 PM
Cyber and Payment Risk
Lali Shaffer, Payments Expert, FRB Atlanta
3:30 PM
Closing Remarks

Midwest Cyber Workshop

The Federal Reserve Banks of St. Louis, Chicago and Kansas City hosted the second-annual Midwest Cyber Workshop. The Workshop offered community bankers an opportunity to gather, network and hear from experts in the field regarding the top cybersecurity risks.

Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman returned with opening remarks on the community banking cybersecurity environment, and Executive Vice President and System Chief Information Security Officer for the Federal Reserve, Tammy Hornsby-Fink, gave the keynote speech.

Additionally, the workshop included interactive sessions for bankers to delve into relevant case studies, as well as a cyber tabletop exercise facilitated by IBM to enable attendees to learn and share industry best practices.

There were sessions with Federal Reserve examiners, law enforcement, and industry experts to share cyber trends, challenges, and best practices, while answering your questions.

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