
The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago supervises state member banks, bank holding companies, and foreign banking organizations that do business in the 7th District, which includes most of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and all of Iowa. We promote a safe, sound, and stable financial system that supports the growth and stability of the U.S. economy. We work to make sure banking organizations are in secure financial condition, comply with laws and regulations, treat their customers fairly, and meet the needs of their communities.

Banker Resources

Access resources for banks and bankers, including the Federal Reserve Discount Window, regulatory applications and membership information, training tools and more.

Consumer Resources

Need to report a problem with a bank or locate the right agency for your inquiry? Find out how to get help as a consumer.

What We Do

We assess the health, condition and management of financial institutions, as well as the risks they face, through on- and offsite examinations and ongoing monitoring. We work collaboratively with the five-state district and other federal and state bank regulators to provide guidance, support, and expertise on issues related to supervision, compliance, regulation, financial reporting and credit risk management.

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Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413, USA. Tel. (312) 322-5322

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