Publications Listing
Seventh District Economic Development Organizations: Providing Stability in Tumultuous Times
Michael V. Berry, Garvester Kelley, Mark O'Dell | 2020 | CDPS Blog | October | 21
Attracting Investments to Opportunity Zones and Diverse Perspectives on Community Engagement
Brianna Smith, Nathan Anderson | 2020 | CDPS Blog | September | 23
CDPS Speaker Series: Dr. Matthew Epperson Discusses Alternatives to Incarceration
Malcolm Thomas | 2020 | CDPS Blog | July | 10
Leveraging the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) in Response to Covid-19: Highlights from the Federal Reserve’s Seventh District
Michael Austin, Jason Keller | 2020 | CDPS Blog | June | 16
Small Businesses During Covid-19: Data, Capital and Policy
Nathan Anderson, Taz George, Robin Newberger | 2020 | CDPS Blog | June | 5
Effects of the Pandemic: Early Perspectives from Organizations Serving LMI Communities
Michael V. Berry | 2020 | CDPS Blog | May | 12
CDPS Speaker Series: Income Segregation: Trends, Causes, Consequences – Insights from Dr. Ann Owens
Malcolm Thomas | 2020 | CDPS Blog | May | 8
Federal Reserve Survey Shows Impact of COVID-19 on Communities Nationwide
Emily Engel | 2020 | CDPS Blog | May | 8
A message from Dan Sullivan, executive vice president and director of economic outreach, to our community development stakeholders
Daniel G. Sullivan | 2020 | CDPS Blog | April | 13
Removing a food desert in Central Illinois: Mt. Pulaski charts a path to fresh food access
Jason Keller, Ashlee Sang | 2020 | CDPS Blog | March | 5