Publications Listing

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Risk Taking and the Quality of Informal Insurance: Gambling and Remittances in Thailand
Douglas L. Miller, Anna Paulson | 2007 | Working Papers | No.  2007-01 | January
Duopoly Dynamics with a Barrier to Entry
Jaap H.  Abbring , Jeffrey R. Campbell | 2006 | Working Papers | No.  2006-29
Last-In First-Out Oligopoly Dynamics
Jaap H.  Abbring , Jeffrey R. Campbell | 2006 | Working Papers | No.  2006-28
Welfare Implications of the Transition to High Household Debt
Jeffrey R. Campbell, Zvi  Hercowitz | 2006 | Working Papers | No.  2006-27
Bank Imputed Interest Rates: Unbiased Estimates of Offered Rates?
Evren Ors, Tara  Rice  | 2006 | Working Papers | No.  2006-26
What Can We Learn about Financial Access from U.S. Immigrants?
Una Okonkwo Osili, Anna Paulson | 2006 | Working Papers | No.  2006-25
Manufacturing Plants’ Use of Temporary Workers: An Analysis Using Census Micro Data (REVISED, February 2010)
Yukako Ono, Daniel G. Sullivan | 2006 | Working Papers | No.  2006-24
How Did Schooling Laws Improve Long-Term Health and Lower Mortality?
Bhash Mazumder | 2006 | Working Papers | No.  2006-23
The Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures: Tying One’s Hand through the WTO.
Meredith Crowley | 2006 | Working Papers | No.  2006-22
Mortality, Mass-Layoffs, and Career Outcomes: An Analysis using Administrative Data
Daniel G. Sullivan, Till von Wachter | 2006 | Working Papers | No.  2006-21
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