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Healthy Communities in the Seventh District

Healthy communities are those that “continuously create and improve physical and social environments and expand community resources that enable people to mutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and in developing to their maximum potential” (see health.gov and who.int). Since 2013, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has been engaged in conversations on this topic, seeking to improve understanding and advance impact around the social determinants of health across the Seventh District.

The purpose of this page is to aggregate in one place:

  • healthy communities activities carried out by the Community Development and Policy Studies Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago;
  • related Federal Reserve conference summaries and publications;
  • publications exploring alignment that exists between the Community Reinvestment Act and the Affordable Care Act; and
  • links to learn more.


Below is a compilation of publications and conference materials relating to healthy communities in the Seventh District.

2018 - Building Healthy and Prosperous Neighborhoods in Cook County


Conference summary
Motivating Collaboration: The Convergence of Public Health and Community Development

2016 - Investing in Healthy Communities: Ideas to Action for Healthy People, Places and Planet

Available Presentations

Conference summary
Investing in Healthy Communities: Ideas to Action for Healthy People, Places, and Planet - A Conference Summary

2015 - Investing in Healthy Rural Communities: Harvesting the Power of People, Place and Partnerships

Event page
Conference Video

Conference summary
Investing in Healthy Rural Communities – Lessons Learned and Future Directions

2014 - Healthy Communities Milwaukee Regional Summit

Event page

Conference summary
Healthy Communities – Milwaukee

2013 - Chicago Regional Summit


Conference summary
The Converging Visions of Public Health and Community Development

To learn more about healthy communities activities at other Federal Reserve Banks, visit: www.FedCommunities.org and search for "healthy communities."

To learn more about healthy communities resources and activities around the country, visit the Build Healthy Places Network.



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Community Development & Policy Studies
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Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413, USA. Tel. (312) 322-5322

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