Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago (NHS) held its annual Community Banks Partnership Meeting on Wednesday, April 22, 2015, at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The meeting brought together over 70 representatives from Chicagoland community banks, regulators, housing experts, and industry partners to discuss meeting the residential lending needs of area communities. NHS is Chicago’s largest nonprofit neighborhood revitalization organization and works in partnership with businesses, government, and neighborhood residents to revitalize low- and moderate-income neighborhoods throughout northeastern Illinois, specifically Chicago, south suburban Cook County, Elgin, and the Fox Valley.
Established in 2007, the Community Banks Partnership is an innovative collaborative that supports NHS’ community reinvestment programs and services through financial support, lending capital, service, and counsel. This group meets at least once annually to discuss issues important to the housing and lending industries, and also host NHS’ Annual Meeting each fall – this year set for October 20, 2015.