Publications Listing

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The French Public Debt in the Nineteenth Century
François Velde | 2024 | Economic Perspectives | No.  2 | April | 16
Comparing the Uses of Local Fiscal Recovery Funds in the Seventh District’s Large Cities and Their Counties
Emma LaGuardia, Rick Mattoon | 2024 | Chicago Fed Insights | July | 11
Identifying Information Gaps to Help Communities Navigate Lead Service Line Replacement
Nathan Anderson, Maria Castro, Elizabeth Cisar , Karen Cuenca, Suchi Saxena | 2024 | Chicago Fed Insights | June | 27
Are Friends of Schools the Enemies of Equity? The Interplay of Public School Funding Policies and Private External Fundraising
Lisa Barrow, Sarah Komisarow, Lauren Sartain | 2023 | Working Papers | No.  2023-31 | August
Should the Government Sell You Goods? Evidence from the Milk Market in Mexico
Diego Jiménez Hernández, Enrique Seira | 2023 | Working Papers | No.  2023-19 | May
Employment and Welfare Effects of the Quota for Disabled Workers in Brazil
Gustavo de Souza | 2023 | Working Papers | No.  2023-11 | March
Electric Vehicles, Motor Fuel Taxes, and Road Funding in the Seventh District and Beyond
Emma LaGuardia, Kristin Dziczek, Rick Mattoon | 2023 | Economic Perspectives | No.  2 | August | 16
It's Good Weather for More Government: The Effect of Weather on Fiscal Policy
Gustavo de Souza | 2022 | Working Papers | No.  2022-48 | October
Generalized Compensation Principle
Karl  Schulz, Aleh Tsyvinski, Nicolas Werquin | 2022 | Working Papers | No.  2022-18 | May
Redistribution with Performance Pay
Pawel Doligalski, Abdoulaye Ndiaye, Nicolas Werquin | 2022 | Working Papers | No.  2022-12 | April
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