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Holding Company Data

Notice of Change in Data Availability

Effective June 15, 2021, users will no longer be able to access quarterly datasets for those data inside the active revision and retention window (five years plus current) through the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (FRBC). However, effective August 1, 2021, the data can be found by visiting the Financial Data Download page on the National Information Center (NIC) website.

Data from 1986 to current are available as quarterly datasets in compressed zip files. To receive updates when new data are available, click on the link to the subscription form, in the sidebar to the right, and select "Financial Holding Company Data" from the list of subscriptions.


Financial data are available for:

  • FR Y-9C—All domestic holding companies on a consolidated basis;
  • FR Y-9LP—All large domestic holding companies on an unconsolidated parent only basis; and
  • FR Y-9SP—All small domestic holding companies on an unconsolidated parent basis, including balance sheet and income information for all three catagories.

Note: FR Y-9C and FR Y-9LP data are collected quarterly; FR Y-9SP is collected semiannually. 

Data Files


Holding Company Data FAQ

A selection of Frequently Asked Questions regarding holding company data

Holding Companies Name List

Provides the ID_RSSD, entity type, name, city, state or U.S. territory, country, opening date, name end date and regulatory district for all holding companies in the data files where applicable.

FR Y-9C Report Form and Instructions
FR Y-9LP Report Form and Instructions
FR Y-9SP Report Form and Instructions

Includes historical forms and instructions since June 1996.

Report Form Changes
A listing of report form changes for the 2011 calendar year.

Data Dictionary
Contains a search function to locate descriptions for specific variables in the files and their reporting frequency. A comprehensive variable list of all items is provided below, in addition to direct links to all BHCF and RSSD items in the data dictionary.

Excel based sample dictionary

Forming Consistent Time Series 

Provides guidance on how to 1) Effectively and accurately standardize FR Y-9C data into logical categories, 2) manage report form changes from 2007-2012 to establish consistency in aggregate data and 3) enable broad and granular data analysis.

Schedule HC-C : Loans and Lease Financing Receivables

Schedules HC-B and HC-D: Securities and Trading Assets and Liabilities

Schedule HC-L : Derivatives and Off-Balance-Sheet Items

Having trouble accessing something on this page? Please send us an email and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413, USA. Tel. (312) 322-5322

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