Risk Conference Series
Information on the annual risk conference which brings together executives, professionals, researchers and policymakers.
Thirteenth Annual Risk Conference
The world is rapidly changing around us. The global economic outlook is uncertain and technology is transforming key aspects of the financial sector. In this year’s Risk Conference, we will engage “A World in Motion” and explore a wide range of evolving issues in this changing environment. Financial executives will speak to the challenge of change management and regulators will address their approach to sustainable change. As technological innovation increases the pace of change, new risks and opportunities emerge. Panel topics will include the economy and financial markets, cybersecurity risks, core technology providers for banks, and the supervisory environment. In this day-and-a-half conference, attendees will learn from industry experts about ideas for adapting to this changing world. Media Disclaimer: No media and/or recording will be permitted at this event.
April 15-16, 2020
Twelfth Annual Risk Conference
The theme of the Twelfth Annual Risk Conference is Looking to the Future: The Risks and Rewards of New Opportunities and is co-sponsored by the John L. Keeley Jr. Center for Financial Services at DePaul University and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
April 10-11, 2019
Eleventh Annual Risk Conference
The theme of the Eleventh Annual Risk Conference is Transformation: Building on the Past and Looking to the Future and is co-sponsored by the Center for Financial Services at DePaul University and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
April 4-5, 2018
Tenth Annual Risk Conference
The theme of the Tenth Annual Risk Conference is Promise and Peril: Managing the Uncertainty of Rapid Innovation and a Changing Economy and is co-sponsored by the Center for Financial Services at DePaul University and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
March 29-30, 2017
Ninth Annual Risk Conference
The theme of the ninth annual conference is Shifting Ground: The Changing Landscape in Financial Markets and Technology. It will be co-hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and DePaul University’s Center for Financial Services. This year's topics include debt markets and fintech.
March 29-30, 2016
Eighth Annual Risk Conference
The eighth annual Risk Conference, hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and DePaul University’s Center for Financial Services, explores these questions with an array of noteworthy speakers and panelists that include perspectives from industry professionals, academics, and regulators.
March 31- April 1, 2015
Seventh Annual Risk Conference
This year's theme is Managing Risk in the Recovery. The agenda includes perspectives from senior executives through a mix of presentations and panel discussions.
April 8-9, 2014
Sixth Annual Risk Conference
Co-sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and DePaul University, Driehaus College of Business, Center for Financial Services, the sixth annual joint Risk Conference will focus on business model and strategic risk given the current environment.
April 9 - 10, 2013
Fifth Annual Risk Conference
This year's conference will explore the changing shape of financial regulation. Practitioners, regulators and industry observers will contribute their thoughts on what might be on the horizon.
April 10-11, 2012
FourthAnnual Risk Conference
Risk management is facing a rebuilding process after the most significant financial crisis in 80 years. Professionals working in the field must shift their thinking about the interrelated nature of risks, the risk management process and practical application of risk resolution strategies.
April 11-April 12, 2011
Third Annual Risk Conference
Co-sponsored by the Chicago Fed's Supervision and Regulation Department and DePaul University's Department of Finance. As the risk-management landscape continues to evolve, financial practitioners, academics and regulators offer lessons learned, perspectives on headline issues and insights on recent innovations in products and practices in the financial services industry.
April 6-7, 2010
Second Annual Risk Conference
The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and DePaul University's Center for Financial Services hosted the second annual Financial Institutions Risk Management Conference. Panel discussions focused on lessons learned, the role of capital in providing risk discipline and the systemic risk presented by institutions that are "too big to fail."
April 14-15, 2009
First Annual Risk Conference
The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and De Paul University hosted the first annual conference with the thene Risk: Keeping Ahead of the Curve.
March 6-7, 2008