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Chicago Fed Summer Workshop on Money, Banking and Payments
The Financial Markets Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago hosted a summer workshop on money, banking and payments. This workshop brought together experts from academia and policy institutions around the world to discuss recent developments in the field. The goal of the conference was to provide a frank and critical assessment of all papers presented, and to take stock of where we are and where we should be heading.
Wednesday, 08/13/08
11:00 AM
Session 1: Optimal Taxation in a Monetary Search Model with Informal Markets
Pedro Gomis-Porqueras, University of Miami
Adrian Peralta-Alva, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
12:30 PM
Session 2: Precautionary Demand for Money in a Monetary Search Business Cycle Model
Irina Telyukova, University of California - San Diego
Ludo Visschers, Simon Fraser University
2:30 PM
Session 3: Information and Monetary Policy
Marie Hoerova, European Central Bank
Cyril Monnet, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Ted Temzelides, Rice University
3:30 PM
Session 4: From Fairs to Banks
Luis Araujo, Michigan State University
Raoul Minetti, Michigan State University
5:00 PM
Session 5: Mechanism Design and Market Implementation in the Lagos-Wright model
Janet Jiang, University of Manitoba
Thursday, 08/14/08
11:00 AM
Session 1: Liquidity, Business Cycles and Monetary Policy
Nobu Kiyotaki, Princeton University
12:30 PM
Session 2: Institutional Frictions and the Illiquidity of Bonds
Fernando Martin, Simon Fraser University
3:30 PM
Session 3: Liquidity Constraints in a Monetary Economy
Leo Ferraris, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Makoto Watanabe, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Friday, 08/15/08
10:00 AM
Session 1: Financial Deepening, Inflation and Growth
Aleks Berentsen, University of Basel
11:30 AM
Session 2: A Model of Settlement System
James Chapman, Bank of Canada
Jonathan Chiu, Bank of Canada
Miguel Molico, Bank of Canada
Monday, 08/18/08
1:00 PM
Session 1: Credit and Money with Limited Commitment and Theft
Daniel Sanches, Washington University
Steve Williamson, Washington University
2:00 PM
Session 2: Monetary Implementation Frameworks: A Comparative Analysis
Antoine Martin, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Cyril Monnet, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
3:30 PM
Session 3: Money and Memory
Luis Araujo, Michigan State University
Braz Camargo, University of Western Ontario
4:30 PM
Session 4: Anticipated Inflation and Unemployment: Asymmetrical Effects of the Inflation Tax
Lucy Liu, Queen's University
Tuesday, 08/19/08
11:00 AM
Session 1: Search, Bargaining and International Trade
Boragan Aruoba, University of Maryland
Ethan Ilzetzi, University of Maryland
12:30 PM
Session 2: Money, Asset Prices and the Completeness of Markets
Nicolas Jacquet, Singapore Management University
Serene Tan, National University of Singapore
3:30 PM
Session 3: Money, Capital, and Unemployment
Richard Dutu, University of Waikato
Stella Huangfu, University of Sydney
Benoit Julien, University of New South Wales
4:30 PM
Session 4: Decentralized Trading with Private Information
Michael Golosov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Guido Lorenzoni, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Aleh Tsyvinski, Harvard University
Wednesday, 08/20/08
11:00 AM
Session 1: Housing Illiquidity and the Housing Premium
Allen Head, Queen's University
Huw Lloyd-Ellis, Queen's University
12:30 PM
Session 2: Labor Market Cycles and Unemployment Insurance
Miguel Faig, University of Toronto
Min Zhang, University of Toronto
2:30 PM
Session 3: Commitment and Equilibrium Bank Runs
Huberto Ennis, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Todd Keister, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
3:30 PM
Session 4: Random Matching and Aggregate Uncertainty
Robert Molzon, University of Kentucky
Daniella Puzzello, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
5:00 PM
Session 5: Credit, Money, Limited Participation and Welfare
Mariana Rojas Breu, University of Basel
Thursday, 08/21/08
11:00 AM
Session 1: Entry Barriers and Liquidity
Carlo Strub, University of Basel
12:30 PM
Session 2: Data Breaches and Identity Theft
Will Roberds, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Stacey Schreft, The Mutual Fund Research Center
2:30 PM
Session 3: Commodity Money and Minting
Anji Redish, University of British Columbia
Warren Weber, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
3:30 PM
5:00 PM
Session 5: A Uniqueness Proof for Monetary Steady State
Randy Wright, University of Pennsylvania
Friday, 08/22/08
9:00 AM
Session 1: Money and Optimal Capital Taxation
Boragan Aruoba, University of Maryland
Sanjay Chugh, University of Maryland
10:00 AM
Session 2: Voluntary Recoinage, the Quantity of Coins and the Debasement Puzzle
Vincent Bignon, University of Paris X
Regis Breton, University of Orleans
11:30 AM
Session 3: Monetary Policy, Production and Distribution
Alok Kumar, University of Victoria
Tuesday, 08/11/09
1:00 PM
Session 1: Imperfect Recognizability of Media of Exchange: Implications for Optimal Monetary Arrangements
Neil Wallace, Penn State University
2:00 PM
Session 2: Private Money and Bank Runs
Amy Sun, Queen's University
Stella Huangfu, University of Sydney
3:30 PM
Session 3: Essential Interest-bearing Money
David Andolfatto, Simon Fraser University
4:30 PM
Session 4: A Random Matching Model with Reported Trading Histories
Eliot Maenner, University of Copenhagen
Tao Zhu, Cornell University
Wednesday, 08/12/09
11:00 AM
Session 1: Monetary Policy, Price Dynamics, and Welfare
Jonathan Chiu, Bank of Canada
Miguel Molico, Bank of Canada
12:30 PM
Session 2: The Distribution of Money Holdings in a Competitive Markets Environment
Scott Dressler, Villanova University
3:30 PM
Session 3: Liquidity and Information
Ben Lester, University of Western Ontario
Andrew Postlewaite, University of Pennsylvania
Randy Wright, University of Pennsylvania
4:30 PM
Session 4: Banking: A Mechanism Design Approach
Fabrizio Mattesini, University of Rome
Cyril Monnet, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Randy Wright, University of Pennsylvania