Capital Requirements and Competition in the Banking Industry
This paper focuses on the interaction between regulation and competition in an industrial
organisation model. We analyse how capital requirements affect the profitability of two
banks that compete as Cournot duopolists on a market for loans. Bank management
of both banks choose optimal levels of loans provided, equity ratio and effort to reduce
loan losses so as to maximise profits. From the regulator’s point of view, the free market
solution is not optimal as private banks do not take into account the consumer surplus
and the social cost of bankruptcy (financial stability aspects). It is shown that capital
requirements may improve welfare, even under conditions that both banks would never
default. Moreover, we find that higher capital requirements impose a higher burden on
the inefficient bank than on the efficient one, even though the requirement may only be
binding for the efficient bank. If the inefficient bank chooses a strategy that might result
in bankruptcy, capital requirements are particularly welfare improving.