Structural change in Wisconsin in the 1970s
This article examines the relative importance
of de novo entry, population migration, and
multibank holding company activity in explaining
concentration changes in Wisconsin during
the 1970s. Perhaps better than any other
state in the Seventh District, Wisconsin offers
a glimpse of future structural developments
in banking. First, the state has a mature bank
holding company movement dating back to
the turn of the century and is more likely to
exhibit the long-run effects of that movement
than a state like Michigan, which has permitted
multibank holding companies only since
1971. With legislative proposals to permit
multibank holding companies being introduced
each year in Illinois and Indiana, this
experience could be extremely useful in
judging the effects of those proposals.
Second, because Wisconsin has allowed limited
branching since 1968 (after prohibiting the
establishment of new branches between
1947 and 1968), its banking structure should
also reflect the effects of branching on