The Women Shaping Global Derivatives Markets

March 29, 2021

In its latest episode, LaSalle Street, a podcast from the Financial Markets Group at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, hosts a conversation on identity, gender, and careers in finance with four women shaping global derivatives markets. Joining LaSalle Street for this episode are Laura Astrada, managing director at DTCC; Caroline Pham, managing director and head of capital markets regulatory strategy at Citi; Maggie Sklar, director of international engagement, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; and Petal Walker, special counsel, WilmerHale.

The guests discuss their own career paths, experiences with sexism and other forms of discrimination in the workplace, and the intersection of gender and the impact of Covid-19 on work.

Moderating the discussion is Nahiomy Alvarez, senior financial markets Analyst at the Chicago Fed. Anna Paulson, executive vice president and director of research at the Chicago Fed, provides an introduction. The episode was recorded during Women’s History Month, which was created to celebrate the many contributions and achievements of women.

Meet the Speakers

View transcript

On Mic

Anna Paulson

Anna Paulson

Executive Vice President and Director of Research
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Opening Remarks

Nahiomy Alvarez

Nahiomy Alvarez

Senior Financial Markets Analyst
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Speakers (And associated CFTC Commissioner)

Petal Walker

Petal Walker

Special Counsel
(Commissioner Sharon Bowen)


Laura Astrada

Laura Astrada

Managing Director
(Commissioner Mark Wetjen)


Caroline Pham

Caroline Pham

Managing Director and Head of Capital Markets Regulatory Strategy
(Commissioner Scott O’Malia)


Maggie Sklar

Maggie Sklar

Director of International Engagement
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
(Commissioner Wetjen and Chairman Giancarlo)


The views expressed on LaSalle Street are the speakers’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve System. Any links to external resources or websites are provided for informational purposes only.

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