Bart Hobijn
Senior Economist and Economic Advisor
Bart Hobijn is a senior economist and economic advisor in the economic research department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. In this position, he conducts research and policy analysis on technological progress and economic growth, price measurement, and labor market dynamics.
Before joining the Chicago Fed in May 2022, Hobijn was a full professor in economics at Arizona State University and worked in the Economic Research departments of the Federal Reserve Banks of San Francisco and New York.
Hobijn completed his Ph.D. in economics at New York University and his MS in econometrics at Erasmus University Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. He serves as a member of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Technical Advisory Committee.
Bank Publications
Chicago Fed Letter
Economic Perspectives
Working papers
Working Papers
Presentations and Other Resources
2023 | Download Presentation
2023 | Download Presentation
May 2023 | Download Presentation