Malamud, Ofer
Associate Professor, University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy Studies
Jack Mannion
Mannion, Jack
Research Assistant
Kelli Marquardt
Marquardt, Kelli
Fred Martin
Martin, Frederick C.
Executive Vice President, Administrative Services & Chief Financial Officer
Rick Mattoon
Mattoon, Rick
Vice President Regional Analysis and Engagement, Detroit Regional Executive
Mayo, Robert P.
Sixth President
Bhash Mazumder
Mazumder, Bhash
Senior Economist and Economic Advisor
McDonald, Robert
Erwin P. Nemmers Professor of Finance, Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
McDougal, James B.
First Governor
Leslie McGranahan
McGranahan, Leslie
Senior Vice President, Regional Analysis and Community Development
McMillen, Daniel
Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kathryn Medina
Medina, Kathryn
Executive Vice President, People & Culture, Chief Human Resources Officer
Ralf Meisenzahl
Meisenzahl, Ralf
Senior Economist and Economic Advisor and Head of Insurance Initiative
Leonardo Melosi
Melosi, Leonardo
Senior Economist and Economic Advisor and Executive Director, Center for Applied Macroeconomic Research (September 2023 – On Leave)
Meyer, Bruce
Professor, University of Chicago
Miller, Korie
Senior Vice President, Head of Marketing for Federal Reserve Financial Services
Moskow , Michael H.
Eighth President
Christopher J. Murphy, III
Murphy, III, Christopher J.
Class A Director, Term: 2019-2021, 2022-2024
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