Publications Listing

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Quarterly Industry-Level Labor Productivity Data for the U.S.
Bart Hobijn, Martí Mestieri, Nicolas Werquin, Jing Zhang | 2025 | Economic Perspectives | No.  1 | January
Charging Ahead: What Does Electrification Mean for the Footprint of the Auto Industry?
Thomas H. Klier, James Rubenstein | 2025 | Chicago Fed Insights | February | 5
Cyber Risk, Regulatory Change, and More: Chicago Fed Symposium Tackles Key Issues in Community Banking
B. Tina Bouzarelos, Patrick Driscoll, Andy Giltner, Kristi Gregar-Skillman, Christopher Lewis, Thomas Lynch, Judy Teng, William Mark | 2025 | Chicago Fed Insights | January | 22
Perspectives on Rural Development, Labor, and Housing Constraints: Conference Summary
Maxwell Jaffe, Yilin Li | 2025 | Chicago Fed Insights | January | 17
Survey Suggests Growth Slowed in January
2025 | Chicago Fed Survey of Economic Conditions | January
Nowcasting Median Household Income with Mixed-Frequency Models
Max Gillet | 2024 | Economic Perspectives | No.  7 | December | 20
Inequality and Shocks to Firms’ Pricing Decisions
Filippo Ferroni, Alessandro Villa | 2024 | Economic Perspectives | No.  6 | November | 13
Are the Federal Reserve’s “Other Deposits” Sensitive to Changes in Interest Rates?
Cindy Hull | 2024 | Chicago Fed Letter | No.  504 | December | 4
Searching for “Inflation Canaries” in Household Surveys
Scott A. Brave, Ben Henken, Bart Hobijn, Ezra Karger, Anna Paulson, Jim Royal | 2024 | Chicago Fed Letter | No.  503 | October | 15
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